Washington's Headquarters at Morristown photographed in the winter
National Park | Historic House

Ford Mansion

The mansion once housed George Washington, who utilized it as his headquarters in the freezing winter of 1779.

  • Parking
  • Accessible Parking


Historic Tours

Tours of the Ford Mansion are available through the NPS and free tickets can be picked up at the Headquarters Museum, located nearby. Please consult the NPS website for Morristown for accurate, up-to-date information.

Outdoor Activities


Biking at Morristown is permitted along the 3 mile Tour Road and other vehicular roadways leading in and out of the park.


Morristown National Historical Park has 27 miles of designated, marked hiking trails. For those simply looking for the historic sites, follow the 2.25 mile Yellow Trail.

Horseback Riding

Morristown has 10.5 miles of designated horse trails, but horses are prohibited within the vicinity of historic buildings. Additionally, horses are not available for rent.

Outdoor Activities

Horseback Riding


Historic Tours

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