A collection of artifacts such as musket balls, nails, a horseshoe, a broken plate and cannon balls.
Event | Aug 17, 2024

Archeology Day

Event Location

Ninety Six National Historic Site
1103 Hwy 248
Ninety Six, SC 29666

Join park staff and volunteers for this special family friendly educational day. Throughout the day there will be special talks by archeologist, fun educational activities, and demonstrations. 

Activities will include: 

  • Reading with a Ranger at 10:00 am 
  • Archeologist Talk at 1:00 pm 
  • Evidence of People Scavenger Hunt 
  • Archeology on the Board 
  • Sifting for the Past - Children's Mock Dig 
  • Make your own Pictograph 
  • Make a Fossil 
  • Make a Gorget 
  • Does your Clothing Survive? 
  • How are Artifacts Dated?