Huyler's Landing Trail Head

Huyler's Landing

Along the banks of the Hudson, one can walk in the steps of Cornwallis' army, which landed at this spot to chase the Continental Army through New Jersey.

  • Parking
  • Pet Friendly
Alpine, NJ

Huyler's Landing was one of the points at which General Charles Cornwallis and his forces, after taking New York City, crossed into New Jersey to pursue Washington's battered Patriot Army. North of Fort Lee, where the Patriots had been encamped, the crossing offered Cornwallis a way to scatter the forces without a contested crossing.

This crossing set the stage for the ensuing New Jersey campaign and the Ten Crucial Days at the turn of the year, where George Washington would win upset victories at Trenton and Princeton.

Stories from the Trail Site

Stories from Huyler's Landing

Trail Site

Located along the banks of the Hudson, outnumbered Patriot forces quickly evacuated this site on November 20, 1776, as the British army advanced on their position.

Reposted from December 25, 1776: Victory or Death. General Washington opted for a last bold strike against the British by attacking the garrison at Trenton, NJ. The result convinced...

Soon after Greene took command of the southern theater, the tide of war began to turn in favor of the Patriots. Greene and his men turned south to reconquer the South Carolina backcountry. Throughout 1781, Greene steadily drove the British back to Charleston, which they abandoned the following December.