State/County Park | Historic House

Washington Crossing State Park

The location of George Washington's famous crossing of the Delaware, the site is now a state park that offers historical interpretation and several recreational activities.

  • Parking
  • Accessible Parking
  • Restrooms

Outdoor Activities


5 Miles of mountain biking trails are available in the Phillips Farm day use area.


Four group camp sites are available for rent in the Phillips Farm area


Fishing is permitted along the Delaware River, Delaware Canal, and Raritan Canal with a proper fishing permit. Various species are found within the river and it is stocked with trout by the New Jersey Division of Fish and Wildlife during the spring months.


Washington Crossing State Park offers 13 miles of trails for hiking and jogging.

Horseback Riding

Within the park, there are two and a half miles of trails in the Phillips Farm day use area. The Phillips Farm parking area is designated for horse trailers, though the park does not offer horse rental facilities.


Historic Re-Enactments
Washington's Crossing

Every December, hundreds of Continentals led by Washington row across the Delaware in replica Durham boats. Enjoy special colonial-era activities and demonstrations in the Historic Village while attending the event.

Outdoor Activities

Horseback Riding

Event Programming

Historic Re-Enactments

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