The Liberty Trail

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Uncovering History
We invite you to visit the preserved locations along the Liberty Trail and to immerse yourself
in the extraordinary events that determined the fate of a nation.
Liberty Trail History Makers
The Revolutionary War was a war unlike any other — one of ideas and ideals, that shaped “the course of human events. Explore the history and personalities from this pivotal time in American history.Johann Ewald, a Hessian captain, served in several significant Revolutionary War battles, including White Plains, Bound Brook, and the failed attack on Fort Mercer. He later fought at Yorktown, where he surrendered with the British forces. His detailed wartime diary and maps provide invaluable insights into his experiences in America.
William Franklin, the loyalist governor of New Jersey and son of Benjamin Franklin, remained devoted to Britain throughout the American Revolution, even as his father supported the revolutionary cause.
Anthony Wayne, dubbed "Mad Anthony," was a bold Revolutionary War general, key in victories like Stony Point and Fallen Timbers. His fiery reputation earned him his nickname. He died in 1796 in Presque Isle, Pennsylvania.
Johann Gottlieb Rall, a veteran German officer, commanded the Hessian garrison at Trenton despite concerns about its vulnerability. On December 26, 1776, Washington's surprise attack led to Rall’s mortal wounding and the capture of his troops.